Published October 17, 2018
Katie Counts
Published September 18, 2018
University Daily Kansan
Published August 23, 2018
As Greek Life comes under fire nationally, what does the future of KU’s sororities and fraternities look like?
By Nicole Asbury
Published August 20, 2018
Erik Harken lost his older brother in a car accident four years ago. Now, he’s turning the experience into a short film. His project “Tell My Family I Love Them” is a lesson in the positive ways grief can change a life.
University Daily Kansan
Published June 19, 2018
Almost 100 years after the end of World War I, two of the busiest stops on KU’s campus remain memorials to those who died. Now, 80 years after its completion, a look at KU Memorial Union.
University Daily Kansan
Published June 4, 2018
Kansan Arts columnist Katie Counts explores six different belief systems in the Lawrence community, including Roman Catholicism, atheism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism.
University Daily Kansan
Published May 19, 2018
Michael Swain | @mswain97
Published May 3, 2018
Five years after she left foster care at 18, Anyae McCloud is stronger than ever with the support of a program for students who spent time in foster care.
Students like Anyae McCloud who spent time in foster care are finding the support they need in a new KU program.
University Daily Kansan
Published May 1, 2018
A series examining the KU’s policies and procedures surrounding sexual assault four years after a national scandal prompted reform
Published April 25, 2018
Irvin Rink, a 1941 KU graduate, was assumed dead in 1943. His body was finally identified and returned home this month.
Irvin Rink, a 1941 KU graduate, was assumed dead in 1943. His body was finally identified and returned home this month.
University Daily Kansan
Published April 9, 2018
Can it be done?
This year’s Student Senate coalition platforms range from feasible to already implemented to a conversation with administrators waiting to happen.
Ahead of the 2018 election, the Kansan breaks down the key ideas of the three groups running and evaluates their feasibility.
Savanna Smith | @savsmith20
In 2014, national criticism led to a sexual assault task force at KU. Almost four years later, 21 of the 27 recommendations made by the task force have been enacted by KU, which has either refused to or scarcely implemented others.
After a 2014 sexual assault scandal, KU claimed to reform its system for reporting, investigating and preventing sexual assault. Now that an entire generation of Jayhawks has come and gone, the Kansan reviews where KU is now.
Darby VanHoutan | @darbyvanhoutan
Published April 8, 2018
Despite the statistics indicating that most people wait until later in life to get married, some people still choose to get married young.
Published February 26, 2018
Kansas vs. West Virginia: The comeback of the century
An Oral History
老司机のSwitch加速宝典,萌新看完下游戏联机So Easy - 知乎:4.30 更新:因为我基友也有了Switch,偶尔玩一下联网游戏,我就让他当小白鼠,搞了一台内置加速的路由器试试。刚好他也不爱折腾这些,干脆弄个即插即用的傻瓜式操作更合适~作为老司机,我的首推方案还 …
University Daily Kansan
Published December 6, 2017
One of the main things given to survivors of sexual violence at the University is a slip of paper with a wheel-shaped graphic showing the entities in the community that address sexual assault. The Kansan spent the semester with all 12.
One of the main things given to survivors of sexual violence at the University is a slip of paper with a wheel-shaped graphic showing the entities in in the community that address sexual assault. The Kansan spent the semester with all 12.
Darby VanHoutan | @DarbyVanHoutan | Published Dec. 6, 2017
Published December 6, 2017
Rediscovering a childhood passion in an unlikely place: a beehive
It wasn’t until she’d raised two children and finished a career in nursing that beekeeper Cheryl Burkhead ever began to explore her love for insects and the outdoors.
Beekeeper Cheryl Burkhead was fascinated by insects and the outdoors as a child, but it’s only now, much later in her life, that she’s getting to explore that interest through beekeeping.
University Daily Kansan
Published November 15, 2017
Lawrence had a plan to make a seven-block arts district downtown. Did it fail?
University Daily Kansan
Baseball Writers Association of America award predictions
The end-of-year awards are scheduled to be announced Monday evening
With the 2017 MLB season having come to an end with the Houston Astros parading through the streets of Houston with the World Series trophy, there is only one thing left to decide before the close of the season – The Baseball Writers Association of America awards.
Shaun Goodwin
Published October 12, 2017
Connecting across the world
关于BFT软件使用的技巧(一):2021-2-2 · 链界财富 让10亿人使用移动区块链 最近BFChain开放挖矿公测,发现大家对BFT软件的使用效果均存在不同偏差,诸多问题实际上是由于手机功能设置和BFT的原理没有很好的结合起来,问题总出现在某个简单的方面 一、BFT节点软件及移动设备的使用基本原理 重点: 要保证伍上几个方面的优势,就要 …
The sister cities exchange program between Lawrence and its sister cities has brought together dozens of people — two in an transcontinental love story
Published October 8, 2017
Green Light to Hollywood: A KU alum’s chase for the glimmering hope of making it big
E变伋理_动态IP软件_IP伋理_加速器_安徽圣高网络科技有限公司:我的工作需要伋理IP的支持,市面上很多伋理IP软件我都用过,个人感觉e变IP有动态、静态线路,并且支持定时切换快捷键切换,相对来说更适合。 我伊公司对互联网营销推广这方面很重视,所伍IP软件是我伊每天的必需品,e变IP是一款很好的软件,IP质量线路都很稳定,安全性也很有保障。
University Daily Kansan
Published September 20, 2017
‘Come As You Are’: The 90 minutes Kurt Cobain spent in Lawrence
Behind the time two voices of a generation — a frontman for the hottest band in the nation, Nirvana, and an eccentric Beat poet — met face to face.
Published August 24, 2017
Hail to Old KU
From crunchy chicken cheddar wraps to walking down the hill, former Jayhawks reflect on their time at the University.
Hailey Dixon
Campus Carry at KU
A series of in-depth stories looking at the coming implementation of concealed carry on campus and the way it will affect students, faculty and staff.
The Kansan’s series of in-depth stories, each detailing a different aspect of concealed carry at the University of Kansas.
University Daily Kansan
Published June 30, 2017
Kansan Predicts: 2017 MLB All-Star Game Starters
Kansan sports editor Wes Dotson and sports writer Shaun Goodwin make their picks for American League and National League All-Star Game starters.
University Daily Kansan
Published June 21, 2017
Swain: My NBA Mock Draft
Your guide to the 2017 NBA Draft
The 2017 NBA Draft starts on Thursday. Kansas sports writer Michael Swain expects two Kansas players to go in the 60 picks of the draft.
University Daily Kansan
Published June 13, 2017
关于BFT软件使用的技巧(一):2021-2-2 · 链界财富 让10亿人使用移动区块链 最近BFChain开放挖矿公测,发现大家对BFT软件的使用效果均存在不同偏差,诸多问题实际上是由于手机功能设置和BFT的原理没有很好的结合起来,问题总出现在某个简单的方面 一、BFT节点软件及移动设备的使用基本原理 重点: 要保证伍上几个方面的优势,就要 …
Why don’t you accept cards?
The answer is somewhat simple, but it’s rooted in Pizza Shuttle’s identity, which is to provide quality pizza to the University of Kansas students at a low cost.
University Daily Kansan
Published May 23, 2017
Football’s biggest headache
Athletic trainers and improvements in protocol are creating a culture shift in football on every level, all in an effort to change football’s status as the most dangerous sport in America.
University Daily Kansan
Published April 4, 2017
From chefs and musicians to parents, professors and bartenders, spend a day (or night) in the life of some of Lawrence’s most interesting people.
University Daily Kansan
Published March 28, 2017
Jayhawks and spring break: how Lawrence and vacations collide
A look on how University students party on vacation and in Lawrence
Hailey Dixon
Published March 15, 2017
How a motion-tracking musical software is breaking down barriers for people with disabilities
Julie Unruh was 19 when a car accident left her with permanent brain damage. Now at 38, Unruh is part of a group of individuals from the University and Lawrence community that creates music using a one-of-a-kind motion-tracking software known as AUMI.
University Daily Kansan
Published February 24, 2017
关于BFT软件使用的技巧(一):2021-2-2 · 链界财富 让10亿人使用移动区块链 最近BFChain开放挖矿公测,发现大家对BFT软件的使用效果均存在不同偏差,诸多问题实际上是由于手机功能设置和BFT的原理没有很好的结合起来,问题总出现在某个简单的方面 一、BFT节点软件及移动设备的使用基本原理 重点: 要保证伍上几个方面的优势,就要 …
Feb. 24, 2017
Amie Just | The University Daily Kansan